Into a carved stony domelike a smirky evilish gnomelo! the lonely man bends downdressed in his frayed gownover bookwormed scrollsbefore which no other bows,soaking up his mysteries,gloating in each word he sees,with veil´d eyes ajar by nights,no more light than candlelight,waxing moon yearning delight,and a grim aloof black might,which rises him beyond the starsfrom his dwelling´s rusty bars
to salaam forgotten gods,
supernal deities whom he nods
in a perennial prostration
of one soul´s lonely damnation
in quest of whatever mind
kinder-faced than mankind.
Therein he is the lone master
of feelings turn´d alabaster
by aeons of mournful delving
into cryptic scrolls unending
which reveal all the unseen
except nature in human being.
Today I´m going to give you a gift. A dark one. But a precious gift nevertheless. Keep reading.
There are books to be read just once. Most of them aren´t even worthwhile doing so.
Then there are some other -fewer- books you´ll read several times and enjoy.
not the case of “Tidal Purgatory”: surely you´ll read it four or five
times at least before you die. Only you won´t enjoy it. Not at all. But
you´ll keep on reading it nonetheless, as time... and love go by.
You´ll need to read it, in fact.
When alone again. Then you´ll remember there´s something almost forgotten that can share your loneliness. My book.
“Tidal Purgatory”.
We all want love to last forever. Only you know it was only a daydream. Once again.
why I wrote this book. For all those who, like you, feel anger,
sadness, solitude. For all those who mourn for a lost love now. Once.
“Tidal Purgatory” will be there, waiting patiently for your
call everytime you need it. For just $ 0.99. A mere nothing compared
with the prize of a torn heart, isn´t it?