Sunday, 16 April 2023

Farewell, Love


Farewell, Love

There you are those weird words

I´ve been told lovers don´t say

when dwellers in distant worlds

try to forget bygone days,

devoting themselves to the opium

which maybe eventually will do

to bring oblivion for them,

and future tears to shoo.

Praise for my now lost love,

golden days filled with ambrosia,

the joyful flight of many a dove

and may thy memories don´t sear

when remembering, if remembered,

ever-gone lavished caresses

which never more will be rendered

in departed calm recesses,

so as not to stir up, nay

thy profound tarn-eyed face

but for a faint lute´s lay

which is to sing all thy grace

with so eternal a sentiment

in the verse that I pray

yielded my being to its bent

in words I´ll never unsay.

There you are those weird words

I´ve been told lovers don´t say

when dwellers in distant worlds

try to forget bygone days.